Flaeyc's Executive Director
Wendy Occhipinti
With extensive experience in Early Childhood Education in various roles, teacher, mentor, leader, trainer, and parent educator, Wendy has a passion for Early Childhood Education with the belief that it is the foundation for every child’s future educational success. Over the years, Wendy developed a passion for advocacy, particularly for policies and practices that support the well-being of young children and their families and the educators who are so vital to their education.
In her role as Executive Director, Wendy will be focused on building strong relationships and connections with our members, educators, policy makers and other stakeholders. We encourage you to reach out to Wendy. She is excited to hear your insights, ideas and hopes for the future of early childhood education.
“Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller
Member Engagement Specialist

Jennifer Latterell
Jennifer Latterell has worked in the field of Early Childhood Education for over 25 years. She earned her Masters degree in Early Childhood from the University of Central Florida where she also teaches for the Early Childhood Development and Education Program. Jennifer works with child care centers and local agencies as a consultant offering professional development, mentoring, coaching and continuing education opportunities. She also teaches Early Education courses at Valencia College. She is passionate about children and families and she continues to be an advocate for both.
Accounting & CEU's
Janice Browning Steibly
Janice Browning Steibly has an extensive background administering state and federal grant programs, governmental relations, and more recently project management and consulting. Janice has been working with FLAEYC since 2019 on various operational functions including, but not limited to financial operations, contractual agreements, policies, early learning stipend programs, and CEUs. Previously, Janice served as Assistant Secretary and Chief of Staff for the Florida Department of Community Affairs and was responsible for the Divisions of Housing and Community Development, Community Planning, and Emergency Management.
"Love the life you live. Live the life you love" - Bob Marley
Administrative Assistant & Social Media Coordinator

Gabrielle Ruiz
Gabrielle Ruiz discovered her passion for early childhood education in 2018 while working in a preschool serving children aged 2-5 years old. Her favorite role was as a lead teacher in a two-year-old classroom, where she loved fostering curiosity and creativity in her students. This experience shaped her deep commitment to supporting other educators and advocating for early learning.
As Administrative Assistant and Social Media Coordinator at FLAEYC, Gabrielle combines her administrative expertise and creative vision to connect with early childhood professionals across Florida. She is dedicated to highlighting the essential work of educators and strengthening the ECE community through impactful communication and engagement.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be?”
-Marianne Williamson