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Caroline Gilbert

At-Large Board Member

Personal Statement

As a lifelong learner, impassioned educator, and child advocate, I am excited at the prospect of contributing my passion and expertise by serving on the FLAEYC board of directors. Throughout my career, I have been privileged to work with children of all ages and understand firsthand the impact that high quality early childhood education can have on the success of the child's journey. Witnessing the power that is leveraged through access to quality early childhood education has fueled my dedication to ensuring that every child has access to the same quality experiences.

FLAEYC's mission resonates with my desire to advocate for policy and practice that support early childhood education professionals and the success and well-being of early learners. I believe that advocacy is imperative in the pursuit of professional development and the perception of early childhood educators throughout the United States.

I believe that my education combined with my leadership experience in a myriad of educational settings has poised me ready to be an asset to the FLAEYC board. I have spent my career building on each experience, cultivating relationships, and collaborating across stakeholders to provide the best possible learning environments for children and teachers alike.

If elected to the board, I am committed to leveraging my skills and experience to promote FLAEYC's mission and goals. It is my desire, and our responsibility as education leaders, to advocate for equitable access in early childhood education and supporting teachers in their pursuit of professional development.

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