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Natalie Mosqua (Snodgrass)

At-Large Board Member

Personal Statement

As a dedicated advocate for early childhood education, I am honored to submit my candidacy for the board of FLAEYC. With a rich background in volunteer work on previous boards, a flair for creative marketing and communications, and a proven ability to forge meaningful partnerships, I believe I can make a significant contribution to furthering FLAEYC's mission of supporting children, families, and educators.

My volunteer experience on previous boards has instilled in me a deep understanding of the intricacies of organizational governance and the importance of strategic planning. Through these roles, I have honed my ability to collaborate effectively with diverse stakeholders, navigate complex issues, and make decisions that prioritize the needs of the community.

In addition to my governance experience, my creative prowess in marketing and communications has equipped me with the tools to effectively promote FLAEYC's initiatives and engage stakeholders. Whether it's crafting compelling messaging, designing eye-catching visuals, or leveraging digital platforms, I am committed to leveraging innovative strategies to elevate FLAEYC's visibility and impact.

Furthermore, my ability to connect with partners is a cornerstone of my approach to advocacy. I firmly believe that collaboration is key to achieving meaningful change, and I have a proven track record of bringing together stakeholders from various sectors to work towards a common goal. By fostering strong relationships and facilitating open dialogue, I am confident in my ability to cultivate partnerships that advance FLAEYC's mission and ensure positive outcomes for children, families, and educators alike.

In summary, I am deeply passionate about early childhood education and committed to leveraging my skills and experience to support FLAEYC in its vital work. If given the opportunity to serve on the board, I am dedicated to working tirelessly to advance FLAEYC's mission and make a lasting impact on the lives of children and families across Florida. 

Thank you for considering my candidacy.

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