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Teresa McKay


Personal Statement


My name is Teresa (Teri) McKay, and I have had the honor of being the FLAEYC Board Secretary for the past year and a half! I have a vast background in ECE, including owning and operating my own NAEYC Accredited program in Indiana. I also served on the IN AEYC board for several years and was the conference chair for our local chapter conference for many years. I am currently a third-grade teacher in Polk County. My goal is to reach out to our primary teachers about the importance of DAP in the primary years – ECE covers birth through age 8!

The best part about being on the board is getting a firsthand look at how we support our membership, and of course, being able to contribute ideas on how we can improve that support. I have had the privilege and honor of working with some of the best and brightest in our state and would like to continue serving and supporting our new Executive Director! This is an exciting time for both FLAEYC and the wonderful ECE providers who make up our most important profession.

As the Board Secretary, I am responsible for keeping our minutes for each meeting, and voting on important issues that affect our membership. I have also chaired the Presenter Committee for the annual FLAEYC conference and involved in helping recruit interesting and knowledgeable presenters for our conference. I was extremely proud of the work we accomplished with the 2023 conference, and 2024 looks to be even better!

One of things I enjoyed the most was meeting so many members and conference attendees and listening to what is needed/wanted as we move forward as a membership and as leaders in our state.

I look forward to meeting many more of you as I hope to serve again for the upcoming term!

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