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Conference Sponsor
& Exhibit Opportunities
Each year, FLAEYC hosts Florida’s premier Early Childhood Education Annual Conference that brings its members and other individuals within the ECE community together, and we are excited to provide you with the opportunity to put your company/organization’s name front and center for our conference attendees and their colleagues.
The 2025 FLAEYC Annual Conference will be held from October 16-19 at the Omni ChampionsGate, Orlando, FL. We are pleased to provide professional development sessions on Quality Practices in Early Learning for Florida’s children. We are confident that we will all be “Shaping Bright Futures Together” during and after this experience!
Why Should You Become
a Sponsor/Exhibitor?
Sponsorship and exhibitor opportunities at the FLAEYC Annual Conference offer high visibility for your company or organization, leading to new partnerships, expanded networks, new clientele, and increased traffic to your organization’s website. With over 1,100 attendees at last year’s conference, this is an exciting time for businesses, organizations, companies, and other interested parties to sponsor or exhibit at the 2025 FLAEYC Annual Conference.
We created the following sponsor/exhibitor opportunities with you in mind. Each sponsorship/exhibit level offers opportunities to promote your brand and share your message with future customers that include early childhood educators, leaders, and advocates in the ECE field throughout Florida.
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