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Education, Quality Care
Edutopia: The Lucas Foundation
Founded by legendary filmmaker George Lucas, Edutopia is committed to transforming K-12 education to better prepare students to become lifelong learners and develop the skills needed in the 21st century. The group works to infuse schools with rigorous, project-based learning and access to new technology; while not neglecting social and emotional learning skills.
Child Development, Infants, Toddlers, Quality Care
First Thousand Days
The First 1,000 Days is the leading not-for-profit organization focused on improving the earliest stages of a child’s life, including a focus on the health and well-being of the mother from pregnancy through the first two years.
Child Development, Infants, Toddlers
Do the first 1000 days determine the rest of your life?
DeeDee Yates at TEDxWindhoek
Though not many of us know it, a whole lot hinges on our first 1 000 days. This time period is crucial as it affects areas such as physical growth, peer skills as well as emotional and social development...
Policy, Quality Care
ChildCare Aware:
Child Care Aware® of America works with more than 400 state and local Child Care Resource and Referral agencies nationwide. As America’s most trusted childcare resource, the organization’s vision that high quality, affordable childcare will be available to everyone.
Education, Child Development, Quality Care
The Heckman Equation: Return on Investments in Early Childhood
Nobel Laureate James J. Heckman:
This Nobel Memorial Prize winner is an expert in the field of the economics of human development; and conducts groundbreaking work showing how quality early childhood development significantly affects health, economic and social outcomes both for individuals and society at large.
NAEYC, Infants, Toddlers, Preschool, Child Development
Literacy Learning for Infants, Toddlers, & Preschool
Tanya S Wright, Sonia Cabell, Neil K Duke, Mariana Souto
Birth to age 5 is a critical period in building the foundation for later success in reading and writing. From some of the foremost early literacy development experts in the field comes this practical resource that is a must-have for all educators of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers...
Policy, Quality Care
Build Initiative: The Strongest Foundation for Our Youngest Children
The BUILD Initiative works with state leaders from the private and public sectors to help form policy, provide services, and encourage advocacy that will help children to succeed. Focusing on the needs of children from birth to age 5, the Initiative assists in developing systems, programs, services and policies on a state level.
NAEYC, Child Development, Education, Quality Care, Family Care, Toddlers, Infants, Behavior Studies
NAEYC Public Broadcast
The National Association for The Education of Young Children and BAM Radio Network have partnered to bring you NAEYC Radio. Rae Pica and Jerlean Daniel host the program that will focus on a different topic each month.