Why Join?
Early educators work every day to make a difference in the lives of the young children, families and communities in which they serve. FLAEYC works to support these remarkable individuals in their work promoting and supporting quality care and education for all children, birth through age eight. When you join FLAEYC, you are making a professional choice to connect with members and thought leaders in your community, pursue continuous professional development and advocate for early childhood education. FLAEYC members also get paid for Professional Development through Flamingo Early Learning.

National Support & Connections
Did you know that when you join FLAEYC, you are actually joining through our national or regional partner organization? Both give you the opportunity to expand your network beyond Florida. Choose which one you want to affiliate with – or join both for bonus benefits!
The National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) is a professional membership organization that exists to further the ideal of high-quality early learning for all young children, birth through age 8. The association supports and connects 60,000 individual members and more than 50 affiliates.
The Southern Early Childhood Association (SECA) has served early childhood professionals of the South for over 70 years. SECA is committed to two primary goals. The first is to develop and disseminate the knowledge of how young children learn. The second is to support the professional growth of those working with young children in the educational field.

Florida Specific Benefits
While there are many benefits of NAEYC or SECA membership, membership in FLAEYC brings with it many additional benefits.
FLAEYC Benefits:
Professional Development opportunities – Annual Conference, local training events focused on accreditation and play
Discounts on annual conference registration
Get paid for Professional Development through
Free CEU’s for FLAEYC sponsored professional development
Advocacy – collectively advocate for improvements in ECE and advancing the profession
Networking – joining with colleagues across the state through a local Chapter or an interest group like our Play Chapter and Advocacy Coalition
Accreditation Peer Group
NAEYC accreditation support – Quality In Focus Newsletter, Spotlight on Accredited Centers, consultation services

Connect with Other Members
In Spring 2022, we launched a membership series to help our members connect with one another from around the state. Take a moment to meet a member and connect. If you would like to be featured, submit your profile today!